character design, portrait of a ugly woman, bright orange hair + a single braid, wearing a plaid dieselpunk shirt and wearing large white furistic mecha pants, painted by artgerm, Alphonse mucha, Akihiko yoshida, sakimichan, krenz cushart, low angle shot, digital painting free image

Our contributor photographer picture tagged as character design portrait of a ugly woman bright orange hair + a single braid wearing a plaid dieselpunk shirt and wearing large white furistic mecha pants painted by artgerm Alphonse mucha Akihiko yoshida sakimichan krenz cushart low angle shot digital painting

character design portrait of a ugly woman bright orange hair + a single braid wearing a plaid dieselpunk shirt and wearing large white furistic mecha pants painted by artgerm Alphonse mucha Akihiko yoshida sakimichan krenz cushart low angle shot digital painting

Model —midjourney

Resolution —1664 X 2432

Format —JPG

Size —11.58 MB

License —Free for personal USE

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