DNA double helix structure made of thousands of sharp crystals, pale blue and green palette, sparkling particles floating against a dark background, mesmerizing, abstract, cinematic, Unreal Engine 5 Lumen lighting, Octane render, ultra photorealistic, maximum detail free image

Our contributor photographer picture tagged as DNA double helix structure made of thousands of sharp crystals pale blue and green palette sparkling particles floating against a dark background mesmerizing abstract cinematic Unreal Engine 5 Lumen lighting Octane render ultra photorealistic maximum detail

DNA double helix structure made of thousands of sharp crystals pale blue and green palette sparkling particles floating against a dark background mesmerizing abstract cinematic Unreal Engine 5 Lumen lighting Octane render ultra photorealistic maximum detail

Model —midjourney

Resolution —2048 X 2048

Format —JPG

Size —12 MB

License —Free for personal USE

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