image of female android with half its face torn off revealing the mechanical inside, white black, white face, porcelain face, cogs, gears, wires, hydraulics, exoskeleton, worn, no hair, ex machina, exmachina, porcelain, ultra detailed, 8k, octane render, realistic cgi rendering free image

Our contributor photographer picture tagged as image of female android with half its face torn off revealing the mechanical inside white black white face porcelain face cogs gears wires hydraulics exoskeleton worn no hair ex machina exmachina porcelain ultra detailed 8k octane render realistic cgi rendering

image of female android with half its face torn off revealing the mechanical inside white black white face porcelain face cogs gears wires hydraulics exoskeleton worn no hair ex machina exmachina porcelain ultra detailed 8k octane render realistic cgi rendering

Model —midjourney

Resolution —1664 X 2304

Format —JPG

Size —10.97 MB

License —Free for personal USE

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